Wednesday, November 28, 2007

End the month with a belly laugh....

hey there--not much going on but store/ life cleaning, arranging...seems like a constant at the present time. I did get this email from a friend--apparently an intact 1977 JC Penny's catalog was found in the ceiling while some work was being done and..well, as you can see, the pictures speak for themselves. I haven't laughed that hard in a long's amazing what a good belly laugh will do for you. I couldn't get over the (sic-lovely) styles, let alone the beau-ty colors and well, flattering fashions--I mean, who wouldn't want jumpsuits? esp matching? and prision orange--that says classy in my book! and I love the guys trying not to look gay in the terry cloth nightie..what's that about? And the "oh-don't-I-look-hot" boy in the, it's amazing how fashion rolls around, we think we are sooo cool and happening and years later--someone is spewing coffee on their desk, choking because 30 yrs have gone by those previously "cool" looks make us we look like someones autistic orangatan picked out our clothing....ANYWAYS...this was too rich to pass up/ pass on and help someone else end their month in a tear-jerking belly laugh! so enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

What's the fresh look of 1977? JC Pennys says it's Nylon. Nylon colored to look like novelty socks or painters drop-cloths. JC Pennys has it all.

Dresses for cross dressers with resin in their hair.

Pants and shirts sewn together into one stylish outfit.

Swaddle yourself in adult size infant-wear.

Pants with a patented croch grip system which keeps swingers from swinging while they swing.

Habby said...

Oh my, how awesome are those duds! I want some!