Thursday, March 13, 2008

Greetings from the wqrmer continent

Hey there everyone
greetings from to get brief time to send a quick message out am here, all is fine and great!! Love Senegal so far, the people Ive met; the team from texas is sweet, starting clinics today (played yest with kids more info later) sorry abt this typying french keyboard i am nervous abt numbers, what we will see but all is hunky dory love to you all
hugs and kisses african amy who is not sunburned but hot and still hydrated
ps trip over tons of cramps never felt like running so much in my life!!!
make sure mom sees this!!


Anonymous said...

Missing my African Amy gurl..sorry that I didn't catch up to you before you left...pls be careful and share your love with all of those precious children...Walla Walla chubs miss you!

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo - and yeah! pk