I MADE IT!! ok--well, I only did half a marathon..but that's still longer than most people have ever run in their lives, right?? No--I am very pleased with myself, my wonderful teammates and I loved the whole Team-In-Training experience...I got to meet, run with and share such a terrific experience with THE BEST people ever!! I feel now, that I have done this and was part of a larger group (overall 3400 people ran for the lymphoma/leukemia society TNT and raised over 10 million dollars!!) that I have really accomplished something--and will probably attempt to do it again!! Thanks to all who helped me--either thru financial support, emotional support, encouragement, thoughts/ prayers--you helped me get there!!
Included are pictures of my teammates, SanDiego, the event (altho no shots of the marathon--that's on the disposible camera) and the best--the dance afterwards!! I'd just like to say--
1 comment:
We are sooo proud of Auntie Amy!! YIPEE!!! Your da woman! Welcome to the club of completing a 1/2 marathon!
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