So this weekend was the annual wearable art attraction here in Juneau...it is the way the local arts coucil makes it $$ for scholarships and has become THE attraction over the years (so much so that it had to become a two show venue this year to allow everyone who wanted to see it enuf time/seats to see it...it outgrew the original spot 3 years ago and is held in the convention center and is PACKED--people buy their tickets/ book babysitters 2-3 months in advance, that's how popular it is. And those of us who are nuts enuf to be in it--well, we work on our art for months in advance. What is wearable art, you say?? Well, it's anything that you can make into art--loosely--that can be worn. For this crazy participant (ever since the event was created--what was that--8 years ago??--it means finding something that was gonna be thrown away, recycling it and turning it into something else...like last year a whole years worth of post-it notes from the front office made into a flapper dress (complete with feathers, beads)-previous years a prom dress made out of AOL disks, a boostiae make from spam can labels, a mosaic on a surgeon gown out of immunization vial lids. This year it was a years worth of radiology stickers (each xray has a sticker that says the date the xays was take) made into a --uhm--sorta ballroom gown. Yup--just stretch your imagination some and it'll come. It was fun--I gotta be wild and crazy on the runway (tons of people didn't recognize me) but I got a bizzilion complements....before ya ask, I didn't win any prizes. A "fish" costume made out of old dvds (nice and shiney) and a stiff prom dress made from puzzle pieces won 1st and 2nd prize--3rd split between a mini skirt dress made from bras and two dresses woven from garbage bags. Yup--Juneau full of high culture--I tell ya. Good times, good times. Looking for next year inspiration right now, if ya got any spare crap hangin' around....
love it doctah amy! Wish that we were there to watch you! Miss you soooo much!
Walla Walla chubs....
That's why I love you! Crazy, fun and creative. Is that a wig or new hair doo?
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