Monday, January 21, 2008


sorry ya'all...i can't believe a month has almost gone by and I haven't had time to say " HAPPY 2008!!!" I was waiting to try to see if I could download a picture from my cellphone (since my usual reliable camera fritzed out and is still at the repair shop and I've had to use whatever was handy!) but once again technology gets the best of me...hence you don't get to see the new yummy wall that is the summary of me for the new year--bright, cheery, somethin' new ya haven't seen before!! (some of you are laughing now..cut it out!) Mom and I had a great holiday, baking, relaxing (I tried not to drag her too many places/ show her off like the show pony she is!!), doing the story inventory (mom rocked at that!) as well as spending time where all mom/ daughter relationships are the best--Home Depot!! We rocked that joint, man! So now the downstairs has the bright red accent wall, rest pita-bread brown (or soon to be--have to finish the kitchen) and the hallway is offwhite (amazing how it makes it lighter/ easier to see without lights) and upstairs is "belvidere cream"--slightly creamy/ greeny--all those beat the dull gray color everywhere I've lived with for the past 4 years--yikes!! I can't believe I let it go on that long..esp in an area where as much light as possible is a big beni! I think the new colors will go a long way....I also found out I SUCK at the trimming..never hire me to paint, please.
I know my talents lay elsewhere...hahaha.


Anonymous said...

wish I was there to see it...missin you more than applesauce...Lola was asking about you the other day...we misses you!

Habby said...

Show pony, never would have pictured our mom a show pony...hahaha..