So with our (hahaha) wonderful summer closing quickly behind us, I'm beginning to wonder "what's around the corner"? (For those of you not in the know, our summer, or lack thereof, SUCKED!! we had a total of 7 days of sun, temps in low 60's--off for us SE Alaskans as
usually June/July is the only time of the year where we get sun...this lack of pure vit D makes people "off", increases consumption of caffeine, makes it hard for kids to get outside/ exercise/ enjoy their time off...crankier parents too. Not to mention the viruses that still linger around instead of dying in warmer weather--no usual lull for us pediatricians. sigh....) since the fireweed is almost all the way bloomed (the Alaska version of a groundhog...when the fireweed--vibrant pink flower--reaches the end of the stalk that means end of summer/ start of (short) autumn followed closely by winter....not to say that's all that bad (again you who are in the kno
w know I like winter most of all...) but it is a bit of a bummer, esp when you are already sun-deprived to begin with...it makes those "sun-days" such a treat that we try to get out of work early/ be outside as much as possible to "soak it in" and resentful when we don't get to.

Another lull is the end of tourist season slump--painful to my other life (part store owner). That's a bummer, trying to maximize $$ and lower/ consolidate merchandise as much as possible...and soon on its heals, the dreaded inventory. double yuck.
The other lulls are for the pre- "storms"--upcoming changes beginning to come to light that are... exciting...and new!! My mom is preparing for her move up my way (yeah!!)--this also means her consolidation of goods/ our having to shovel thru childhood things (to keep or not to keep? that is the question...) and the loss of her wonderful house in the mountains that has served over the years as an awesome meeting ground/ common place for all sibs/ friends, etc. But I am psyched about having her here, as that means I can start of phase III of my life....motherhood. A big storm--no? keep your eyes and hearts open for this change...
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