So--now that I have had my BIG birthday, I was reflecting on the fact that I often here that people (or more particularly I) should be more "adult-like", more "grown-up". I'm not sure, however, that this induces good art. Think about some of the best artist around--don't you often hear people say "my five year old could have done that?" Have you ever looked at a preschoolers art and truely appreciated it/ thought it was more beautiful than anything you've ever done? (besides the often amusing commentary about the art or content...) anyone seen "my kid could paint that"...(got it on netflicks...very interesting).
and why is that? I tend to think that because children are more open-minded, don't have preconcieved notions about what art should be/ look like that they are open to--well, almost anything!! To that end, I think, especially in the artist arena, we SHOULD strive to be more child-like and less adult--dontcha think? Ok--maybe I'm justifying my self actions--but I think it's ok...maybe for now. I hope though, when I am getting too childish (and THAT never happens!) my friends would say--"ok--enough". My family says it all the time so that doesn't count.
Just as a side note--the little girl who is the subject of above mentioned movie has a website--check it (and her adorible self!) out: http://www.marlaolmstead.com/home.html enclosed are a couple copies of pics... also my own "artist" in the family--my one year old niece "painting" with cake!! yeah for creativity...